
Thursday, September 25, 2008

SYWBC Poll #1 results:

Here are the results of the poll, I figure it was a little biased on account folks visiting the site are interested in DIY castles or at least castles in general. There are some new polls up, vote if you wish!

Do you:

Want to build a castle someday?

250 (83%)

Want to buy a castle, old or new?

34 (11%)

Already live in one you've built?

11 (3%)

Think building castles is a silly idea?

5 (1%)

Votes so far: 300
Poll closed

I'm curious about the 11 folks that voted they live in a castle they've already built!


  1. "I'm curious about the 11 folks that voted they live in a castle they've already built!"

    A man's home is hs castle...

  2. Heh! Guess I'll just slap a turret on this old house and call it good! Probably be a lot cheaper.
