
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rozniks' Castle

Rozniks' Castle

My other half discovered an NPR article that talked about modern castles. It must've been a slow news day - no scandals or other events to cover ad nauseam - to cover a fringe subject like this; but that's one of the reasons why we like NPR, they cover some really oddball interesting things like this. At any rate, one of the castles they mentioned was Rozniks' Castle near Farmington, Wisconsin. A pretty darn large castle from the look of it. It doesn't sound like they put too much work into it themselves (hammer in hand, I mean...), but had most of it built by conventional methods. I thought I'd share it anyway, it looks quite impressive.


  1. Unfortunately, as much as I enjoy doing the work myself, placing 400 tons of custom cut stone (not block or brick) over a 12,000 sq.ft. structure would have taken me 30 years! I actually wanted to enjoy my design. I will however, be doing all the interior work over the next 5 years.

  2. Hi Dale,

    Thanks for stopping by! Always great to hear from a builder. Would you be interested in doing an "interview" similar to the ones here from Busboom and Anam Cara?

  3. Is there an email address I can reach you at? To me this is a work of art I enjoy sharing, though the "tourists" are overwhelming at times!

  4. Sure, it's jwflight at
